Our Story

Origins of Kissimmee

Historic photo of Kissimmee Police Department

In the 1800s, what we now call the City of Kissimmee was a humble trading post nestled on the northern shores of Lake Tohopekaliga. Originally named Allendale after Civil War Confederate Major JH Allen, who navigated a cargo steamboat along the Kissimmee River, this burgeoning town was once a part of southern Orange County.

Law enforcement in those days was sporadic at best. Just two constables would traverse the distance from Orlando to Allendale on horseback, making the journey weekly.

Incorporation of Early Governance

Historic photo of Kissimmee Police Department

In 1882, the residents of Allendale made a pivotal decision to incorporate the town, officially christening it as the City of Kissimmee. With incorporation came structured leadership roles and the inaugural elections.

On March 26, 1883, Kissimmee made history by electing its first Town Marshal, David Bass. By 1891, the Marshal took on the additional responsibility of City Tax Collector. Tragically, a fire at City Hall on October 16, 1891, consumed not only records of Kissimmee's earliest days but also the office of the Town Marshal.

Collaboration with Osceola County

Historic photo of Kissimmee Police Department

During this time, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office extended the gesture of allowing the Kissimmee Marshal to house prisoners at its facility. This marked the inception of the cooperative relationship that continues between the City and County to this day.

In 1891, the Marshal’s monthly salary amounted to $40. Adjusted for inflation, that’s approximately $1,109 in today's currency. Adding to the challenges, City leaders retained the authority to fine the Marshal for perceived dereliction of duty.

Historical records recount an instance where Marshal John McPhatter was fined $1 for failing to collect a debt related to an impounded horse in December 1891.

Police Department Growth

Historic photo of Kissimmee Police Department

Fast forward to 1937, when the Kissimmee Police Department expanded to accommodate the town's growth. With a population of 3,500, the force consisted of Chief Frank Milsap and two officers. Over the next twelve years, as Kissimmee's population swelled to 4,310, the department expanded again under Chief Charlie Driggers, now comprising four officers.

Chief Robert Best succeeded Driggers in 1964, overseeing an expansion to eleven officers and a budget reaching $100,000. As Kissimmee experienced rapid expansion through the late 1960s and early 1970s, spurred by the opening of Disney World in 1974, the Police Department grew in tandem. Twelve new officers were brought on board to manage the escalating demands.

Modern Day Kissimmee

Photo of construction on Kissimmee Police Department

Since then, Kissimmee has not only witnessed a surge in population but also an increase in its geographical footprint. Expanding to 20.95 square miles, with annexation always on the horizon, the city has evolved significantly.

In the past 25 years alone, the population has more than doubled, mirroring the growth of the Police Department. Presently, the Kissimmee Police Department boasts 152 sworn officers and 88 civilian staff members, dedicated to serving and protecting the thriving community.

Photo of Kissimmee Police Station