Residential Property Improvement Program (RPIP) Grant

Get grant funding for improvements to a residential building in the Downtown Kissimmee CRA

The primary objective of the residential facade grant is to encourage rehabilitation and preservation within the residential neighborhoods of the DKCRA by offering financial assistance up to $5,000 in reimbursable funds as a 50/50 match. (i.e., a completed eligible project costing a total of $8,000 may qualify for a $4,000.00 reimbursement.) 

Specific objectives as identified within the DKCRA 2020 Master Plan include: 

  1. The Downtown Kissimmee Community Redevelopment Agency shall promote, encourage and incentivize single-family homeownership within the Redevelopment Area. (Goal 5)
  2. The Downtown Kissimmee Community Redevelopment Agency shall support the City of Kissimmee in preserving the Downtown’s rich inventory of historic housing and neighborhoods. (Goal 6) 

Project Goals 

  1. The elimination of blighting influences, rehabilitation or preservation of properties of special value for historic, architectural or aesthetic reasons.
  2. The elimination of conditions detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
  3. The RPIP is intended to elevate the public facing appearance of the DKCRA residential areas, as such only projects visible from the public realm are eligible. 


It is not the intent of the DKCRA to engage in any rehabilitation activity that requires relocation activities. 


The RPIP grant shall be available to anyone meeting the eligibility requirements, no one is denied because of race, color, national origin, gender or religion. 

Eligibility Requirements 

  1. Property must be located within the DKCRA.
  2. Single-family residences and multi family duplex properties may qualify for a RPIP grant. Grant applicant must produce either proof of homeownership or notarized letter of consent from property owner authorizing the improvements. 
  3. Property must not have any liens or code enforcement violations. 
  4. Property owner must agree to display a DKCRA sign on their property while the improvements are in progress. (Sign will be provided by CRA staff) 
  5. Grant recipients agree to maintain improvements for a period of at least five (5) years. 
  6. Work must be completed within six (6) months of grant application approval. If work is scheduled to take longer than six months, an extension to the contract may be required. 
  7. Grant funds cannot be used for general maintenance/upkeep of residential structures. 
  8. Any work performed by homeowner may be eligible for reimbursement of supplies only. Labor performed by homeowner is not eligible. 
  9. All eligible improvements must be street facing and visible to the public. 

Eligible Improvements include the following: 

  • Exterior painting; including preparation costs (pressure cleaning, fascia repair, etc.) 
  • Landscaping improvements; including new irrigation system 
  • Porch/deck repair or addition of new porch/deck. (Front of house only) 
  • Exterior lighting (installation of new lighting only, repairs not covered) 
  • Driveway repaving or resealing
  • Installation of new doors, awnings, and windows
  • Removal of front yard chain link fence

Ineligible improvements/Non-reimbursable items: 

  • Interior improvements
  • Structural and roof repairs
  • Construction of additions to building or new construction
  • Non-fixed improvements, inventory, or equipment
  • Application or permit fees
  • Rent, mortgage, insurance, utilities, taxes, HOA fees, or other general home ownership costs. 
  • Professional design services (Landscaping or architectural) 
  • Any required permit fees are the responsibility of homeowner and are not eligible for reimbursement. 


  1. The application and required supporting documents are submitted online only. CRA staff will determine if the proposed work is eligible for funding. Incomplete applications are not accepted and will be returned by email with a letter detailing the reasons for denial. Supporting documents for application include: 
    • Copy of a valid driver’s license of homeowner/tenant.
    • Three (3) quotes per each aspect of the project; i.e. painting, landscaping, and driveway repair project would require 3 quotes for each item.
    • Any applicant completing work themselves is required to provide cost estimate of total supplies required. Labor performed by homeowner will not be reimbursed. 
    • Completed W-9 for individual receiving reimbursement. 
  2. Approved applications will be sent to City of Kissimmee Code Enforcement Office to determine if residential unit is in good standing.
  3. Work may begin once applicant has signed agreement with CRA and has been issued an approval letter. Work commenced prior to the approval letter will invalidate the grant application and funding.
  4. Upon completion of the improvements, applicant will submit a copy of paid invoices and photos of completed work. Unapproved changes will void the grant agreement. CRA staff will process reimbursement for approved amount.
  5. Funds are allocated until the grant funding is depleted. Once the grant is approved, the applicant will have six (6) months to complete the improvements. If an extension is required, the applicant must contact CRA staff for extension. 

Disbursement of Funds 

  1. Submit a paid invoice for reimbursement from the Contractor certifying the work is complete and all materials and labor paid in full.
  2. Submit photographs of the completed improvements. 
  3. Reimbursement funds are disbursed within 4 to 6 weeks after improvements are completed and verified. 
  4. W9 is required for reimbursement. The grant funds are subject to taxes. 


Step 1.Confirm eligibility

Businesses must be within a designated City of Kissimmee CRA District to apply for the grant. Grants are available on a first come, first approved basis for all eligible improvements. Approval is not automatic.

  1. The business owner/tenant must hold a current Business Tax Receipt (BTR) and the property must be in the Downtown Kissimmee CRA district. Landlords applying for CPIP grants are not required to have a BTR.
  2. Tenant is eligible to apply for a CPIP grant contingent upon a notarized letter of approval from the property owner.
  3. Governmental entities, tenants of government owned properties, churches, non-profits, and tax-exempt properties are not eligible for this grant program. 
  4. Owners of construction related businesses are not eligible. 
  5. CPIP grant awards are limited to one grant per property within a five year time period. Multi-tenant properties should contact the CRA. 
  6. Properties with code enforcement violations are not eligible.
  7. CPIP recipients must agree to display a DKCRA sign on their property while the project is in progress. Upon completion of project and disbursement of funds, DKCRA sign will be collected by a CRA staff member.
  8. Grant recipients are required to maintain improvements for a period of at least five years.
  9. Your project must be one of the following:
  • Awnings & Canopies
  • Windows (New or Replacement)
  • Paint
  • Doors (New or Replacement)
  • Exterior Lighting
  • Fire Suppression Systems
  • Grease Traps
  • Private art sculpture installation
  • Parking lot improvements
  • Security camera and alarm systems

Step 2.Prepare documents

Before applying, prepare the following documents: 

  • Driver’s License or State Issued ID
  • Copy of Business Tax Receipt (BTR)
  • Notarized letter of approval from owner (if tenant)
  • Detailed written description of proposed improvements, and plans
  • Scaled elevation drawing, size, dimensions, and location of improvements
  • Construction and estimates from three independent licensed contractors
  • Current Pictures of property showing front and all sides of property

Step 3.Apply online

Submit your application using our convenient online form

Submit Your Application

Step 4.Grant agreement

CRA Staff will review your application and will follow up within five business days. If approved, you will receive an award letter and grant agreement. 

You MUST sign your grant agreement and return it to City staff.

Step 5.Vender registration

After your grant agreement is signed and returned, you can register as a vendor in our online system. 

Register with Vendor Portal

Step 6.Submit completed project photos & invoices

Once your project is complete, you must submit completed photos and invoices to CRA staff.

Step 7.Get reimbursed

Staff will review your submission and upon approval will send your reimbursement to you. You can check the status of your reimbursement status at our vendor portal