Business Tax Receipts (BTR)

Are you opening a business in the City of Kissimmee?

You must pay a tax to operate any business within the City of Kissimmee limits. A business tax receipt is your proof of payment and is required before a business opens. 


Step 1.Confirm that your property is within City of Kissimmee limits

Although your address may say Kissimmee, you might be in unincorporated Osceola County, where BTRs are handled by Osceola County. Make sure you're in Kissimmee city limits before you continue.

Check City Limits

Step 2.Fill out an application

Complete and submit your application to apply for a Business Tax Receipt.

Apply for a Business Tax Receipt

Step 3.Staff will review your application

After applying online, staff will review the proposed request for compliance with City standards and offer any applicable comments.

Step 4.Schedule an inspection 

Once approved, install any applicable improvements, schedule an inspection with Kissimmee Fire Department, and obtain approval. 

Step 5.Receive your Business Tax Receipt

After payment, your Business Tax Receipt is to be printed and displayed at your business. 


Don't forget to renew your business tax receipt

All business tax receipts expire expire September 30. Invoices are mailed or emailed (if opted) during the week of July 1. Make sure you renew your business tax receipt each year for as long as you remain in business.