Fire/Medical Records

Follow the steps below to request a public records request from Kissimmee Fire Department. 

Before you start, make sure you are in the right place. This is the fire/medical public records request page.


Step 1.Make sure the incident was in the City of Kissimmee

The City of Kissimmee only maintains official records and documents related to the City. If the event or incident happened outside of the City of Kissimmee, you will need to contact the city, county, or state agency who was the primary responder to the incident.

To save you time, please check if the address/location was in the City of Kissimmee before submitting a records request.

Check City Limits

If the incident was in the City, make sure it's a record we maintain.

If you are looking for personnel records for fire department employees, you can request those online or in-person with the City Clerk.

Step 2.Submit your requests

Once you have verified that we maintain the record, you can submit your request online.

Submit a Request

Step 3.We'll review your request

After submitting a request, expect the following within two business days: 

  • A confirmation email with the assigned public records request number.
  • A notice of any fees to produce the records.

Step 4.Pay for your request

If your public records request requires more than 30 minutes of staff time, a service charge must be paid before your record is delivered. The service charge cost is based on the time required to prepare the public record.

Step 5.Receive your records

If you provide an email, you will receive a notification when our search is complete. If we locate records that match what you were looking for, they will be provided to you in a link inside the email notification.

Didn't submit an email?

If you didn't provide an email, you will need to check periodically in the online portal and use the request number and key provided when you submitted the request.

Check Status of Request