Something Broken in a Park

Do you want to report something broken, damaged, or vandalized in a city park?

City staff will respond to repair requests to keep all parks beautiful and safe for visitors.


Step 1.Identify the park

Verify that you are in a City of Kissimmee park and find out the name of the park. 

Identify the Park

Step 2.Report it to the city

Call us at 407-518-2501

Step 3.We will review your submission

A city staff member will review your report and schedule the equipment for repair.


Step 1.Identify the park

Verify that you are in a City of Kissimmee park and find out the name of the park. 

Identify the Park

Step 2.Take a photo, if possible

Take a photo of the damaged item/area. The more a photo shows of the surrounding area, the easier it is for us to find it. 

Step 3.Report it to the city

Email us at

Step 4.We will review your submission

A city staff member will review your report and schedule the equipment for repair.